Sell with Confidence
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Emergency Services Info

In the event of a disaster or emergency, you need to:

– stay calm
– follow your prepared emergency plans
– tune into a local ABC or commercial radio station to stay informed
– follow instructions from authorities promptly.

Here are some handy rules of thumb to use for certain types of emergencies:

– Cyclone/storm tide – run from water – ‘Shelter in place’ from wind
– Riverine flooding – stay with friends in high places
– Bushfire – if you are going to leave, leave early
– Hazardous material accident – stay upwind or stay inside
– Tsunami – go inland one kilometre or go up ten metres
– Dam release – get out and move to higher ground quickly.

Make sure you remember to:

– never enter flood waters. This means on foot, rubber dingy, body board or in your vehicle

If it’s flooded – forget it. Flood waters include roads, causeways and creeks, etc. – check weather updates and if local roads are closed – check on neighbours and people who may need your assistance – think about the needs of your animals (pets) and where you will take them – check that your drinking water is not contaminated – ensure your food safety.

Visit the Queensland Health website for further information on community health during disasters.

Note: Emergencies should be referred to the relevant authority.

Sunshine Coast Council
Disaster Management Hub website

Telephone: 000 (emergency only)
Queensland Ambulance website

Telephone: 1300 264 625
RSPCA Qld website

Bureau of Meterology
Telephone: 1300 659 210
Bureau of Meteorology website

Salvation Army
Telephone: 1300 371 288
Salvation Army website

Coast Guard
Mooloolaba telephone: (07) 5444 3222 (VMR406)
Caloundra telephone: Marine Assist 24/7 0429 913 533
Coast Guard website

School closures
Department of Education website

Telephone: (07) 5475 7272
Visit Facebook for updates

St Vincent de Paul
Telephone: (07) 5459 5222
St Vincent de Paul website

Telephone: 13 19 62 (Emergency)
13 62 62 (Loss of supply)
13 12 53 (Enquiries)
Energex website

State Emergency Service
Telephone: 132 500
State Emergency Service (SES) website

Fire Brigade Telephone: 000 (emergency only)
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services website

Telephone: (07) 5450 7888
Sunbus website

Sunshine Coast University Hospital (07) 5202 0000
Nambour General (07) 5470 6600
Caloundra (07) 5436 8500
Maleny Memorial (07) 5420 5000

Sunshine Coast Airport
Telephone: (07) 5453 1500
Sunshine Coast Airport website

Telephone: 13 11 14
Lifeline website

Telephone: 13 22 03
Telstra website

Telephone: 000 (emergency only)
Queensland Police website

Telephone: 1300 0 UNITY ( 1300 086 489)
Unitywater website

Telephone: 13 19 05
RACQ website

Volunteering Qld
Telephone: (07) 5443 8256
Volunteering Qld website

Red Cross
Telephone: 1300 554 419
Red Cross website

Register.Find.Reunite website

